Total Task Chaining - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training

Total Task Chaining

A behavior analyst is teaching a child named John how to wash his hands. The entire sequence includes turning on the faucet, getting soap, scrubbing hands, rinsing, and drying with a towel. Using total task chaining, the analyst walks John through the entire process during each practice session. If John struggles with any steps, such as turning off the faucet or drying his hands, the analyst provides a prompt or assistance, but encourages John to complete as much of the task as possible. Over time, John gradually becomes more independent with all the steps and is eventually able to wash his hands without assistance.


Total task chaining involves teaching all steps of a behavior chain simultaneously, allowing the learner to practice the complete task with help provided as needed. This method is effective for learners who can handle completing an entire sequence of tasks and benefit from seeing how all the steps are connected. It’s commonly used to teach skills like hand washing, dressing, or other daily living tasks.

Behavior Chain, Backwards Chain, Forwards Chain

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