Indirect Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)A Functional Assessment (FA) is a process used in Applied Be... More Procedures are methods used to gather information about a student’s behaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living o... More by relying on sources other than direct observation. These methods typically involve structured or unstructured interviews, rating scales, or questionnaires completed by individuals familiar with the student, such as parents, teachers, or caregivers. Indirect FBAs help to gather information about the circumstances surrounding a behavior, potential triggers, and consequences, but do not involve directly observing the behavior in real-time.
A behavior analyst is conducting an FBA for a student named Emily who frequently disrupts class by shouting. The analyst conducts indirect FBA procedures by interviewing Emily’s teacher and parents. During the interview, the teacher reports that Emily’s disruptive behavior usually occurs during math class and right before lunchtime. Her parents mention that Emily also struggles with waiting at home and sometimes has meltdowns before meals. Based on this information, the analyst gains insights into possible triggers (difficult academic tasks, hunger) and can develop hypotheses about the function of Emily’s behavior before conducting a direct observation.