Generalization - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training


Generalization in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) refers to the ability of an individual to apply learned behaviors or skills in new and different contexts that differ from the original teaching environment. This means the individual can transfer and use the learned behavior across various settings, with different people, or in response to different stimuli. Generalization is a key goal in ABA interventions because it ensures that the behavior is functional and useful in real-world situations.


A child, Alex, learns to identify colors in a classroom setting using flashcards. During therapy sessions, the therapist teaches Alex to point to the correct color when shown different colored cards. Later, Alex demonstrates generalization by identifying the colors of objects at home, such as pointing to a red apple or a blue shirt without the use of flashcards. Additionally, Alex is able to identify colors with his parents and other teachers, not just with his therapist, showing that the skill has generalized across people and environments.

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