Full Physical Prompt - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training

Full Physical Prompt

A Full Physical Prompt involves the therapist or instructor physically guiding the learner through the entire task or activity to ensure correct performance. This type of prompt is used when the learner is unable to complete the task independently or requires full assistance to understand the task requirements. It is often used as part of a prompting hierarchy and can be faded out over time as the learner gains independence.


A therapist is teaching a child named Zoe how to tie her shoes. Zoe is struggling with the task and does not yet have the motor skills or understanding to complete it on her own. The therapist uses a full physical prompt by taking Zoe’s hands and physically guiding them through every step of the shoe-tying process—from crossing the laces to making the loops and pulling them tight. After several sessions using full physical prompts, the therapist begins to fade the prompt, allowing Zoe to perform more of the task independently while only offering partial physical assistance as needed.

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