A Free Operant Preference Assessment is a method used in AppliedApplied means that the behaviors targeted for change in... More BehaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living o... More Analysis (ABA) to determine an individual’s preferred items or activities by observing their interactions with various items in the environment. During this assessment, the therapist or behavior analyst does not directly interact with the individual, but instead allows the individual to freely choose and engage with items. The time spent with each item and the frequencyIn Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), frequency refers to the ... More of engagement are recorded to identify preferred reinforcers, which can be used later in intervention plans.
A behavior analyst conducts a free operant preference assessment for a child by placing several toys, including a ball, a puzzle, and a stuffed animal, on a table. The child is allowed to freely explore and play with whichever items they choose. During a 10-minute observation, the child spends the majority of the time interacting with the ball and only briefly touches the other toys. Based on this observation, the behavior analyst concludes that the ball is likely a preferred item for the child and can be used as a potential reinforcerA reinforcer is any consequence or stimulus&n... More in future sessions.