Forwards Chaining - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training

Forwards Chaining

Forwards chaining is a teaching method used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) where a multi-step task is taught by starting with the first step of the task and gradually adding subsequent steps. The learner masters the first step of the task before moving on to the next one. Each step is taught sequentially, and reinforcement is provided after each successful completion of the steps being worked on. The process continues until the learner can complete the entire task independently.


A behavior analyst is teaching a child named Lucy how to make a sandwich using forwards chaining. First, the analyst teaches Lucy how to take the bread out of the package, and once she can do this independently, they move on to teaching her how to spread peanut butter on the bread. Each time Lucy masters a new step, the next step in the chain is added, such as spreading jelly, closing the sandwich, cutting it in half, and so on. Eventually, Lucy is able to complete the entire sandwich-making process from start to finish on her own.

Behavior Chain, Backwards Chaining, Total Task Chaining

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