Differential ReinforcementDifferential Reinforcement is a behavior modi... More of Alternative BehaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living o... More (DRA) is a behavioralBehavioral refers to one of the seven dimensions of&nbs... More strategy used in AppliedApplied means that the behaviors targeted for change in... More Behavior Analysis (ABA) where reinforcementReinforcement is a fundamental concept in Applied Behavior A... More is provided for an alternative behavior that serves the same function as the maladaptive behavior. Instead of reinforcing the unwanted behavior, the focus is on teaching and reinforcing an appropriate replacement behavior that meets the individual’s needs in a more socially acceptable way. DRA helps reduce problematic behaviors by encouraging alternative, functional behaviors that achieve the same outcome.
A student frequently shouts out answers in class to gain the teacher’s attention, which disrupts the learning environment. Instead of punishing the shouting behavior, the teacher implements DRA by reinforcing an alternative behavior—raising a hand to be called on. Each time the student raises their hand and waits to be called on, the teacher provides immediate praise and attention. Over time, the student learns that raising a hand is an effectiveEffective refers to one of the seven dimensions of ... More and socially appropriate way to get the teacher’s attention, reducing the occurrence of shouting.