Demand fading is a behavioralBehavioral refers to one of the seven dimensions of&nbs... More intervention technique used in AppliedApplied means that the behaviors targeted for change in... More BehaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living o... More Analysis (ABA) that involves the gradual increase of task demands over time to reduce escape or avoidance behaviors. The goal is to start with a very low levelIn Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), leve... More of demand (often one that the individual can tolerate) and slowly increase the difficulty or length of tasks as the individual becomes more comfortable. This method is particularly effectiveEffective refers to one of the seven dimensions of ... More for behaviors that are maintained by escape from tasks or demands.
A child named Ethan frequently engages in tantrums when asked to complete lengthy math assignments. To address this behavior, the behavior analyst uses demand fading. Initially, Ethan is asked to complete only one math problem, which he can do without engaging in escape behaviors. Once he consistently completes one problem without a tantrum, the demand is gradually increased to two problems, then three, and so on, until Ethan is able to complete the full assignment without engaging in tantrum behavior. By slowly increasing the demand, Ethan learns to tolerate longer tasks without resorting to escape behaviors.