Automatic Negative Reinforcement - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training

Automatic Negative Reinforcement

Automatic negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior is strengthened because it directly results in the removal, reduction, or avoidance of an aversive stimulus, without the involvement of another person. The reinforcement is intrinsic to the behavior itself, meaning the behavior occurs to eliminate an unpleasant sensation or experience, and the individual is motivated to continue the behavior because it alleviates discomfort.


An individual scratches their skin to relieve an itch. In this case, the behavior (scratching) is automatically reinforced because it removes the aversive sensation (itchiness), making it more likely that the individual will scratch again when experiencing similar discomfort. No one else is involved in providing the reinforcement—the relief comes directly from the behavior itself.

Reinforcement, Socially Mediated Negative Reinforcement

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