Attention Extinction - 40 Hour RBT® Online Training

Attention Extinction

Attention Extinction, also known as planned ignoring, is a strategy used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to decrease the frequency of a behavior by withholding attention or other reinforcing responses that typically follow the behavior. The goal is to remove the reinforcement (usually attention) that maintains the behavior, making it less likely to occur in the future. This approach is commonly used for behaviors that are maintained by attention-seeking.


A student named Max frequently shouts out in class to get the teacher’s attention. Each time he shouts, the teacher typically stops what they’re doing and tells Max to be quiet, providing him with attention. To address this behavior, the teacher implements attention extinction by withholding all attention when Max shouts out. Instead of giving him any reaction, the teacher continues with the lesson and only acknowledges Max when he raises his hand quietly. Over time, without the reinforcement of attention, Max’s shouting behavior decreases.

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